Box Beams That Are Made to Last
Decorative wood beams don’t have that problem however, because they have perfected the jointing process. Their wood beams joints are all but invisible. They don’t need to be reinforced either, so you can forget about those unsightly metal brackets you would usually have to use. They stand the test of time and pressure that ceiling beams have to go through. This impressive strength also allows for them to be shipped anywhere in the country without incident. These beams are not going to creak and warp like standard beams are likely to do.
To add further benefit they are resistant to mold and rot so there are even less problems to worry about as your beams age. They will stay straight as an arrow and mold free for many years to come. While it is almost impossible to find hand hewn cedar beams in larger sizes. Woodland Beams can custom make a hand hewn beam in any size you need, and no matter how large it is all their guarantees still hold true.
If you have a house with old hand hewn beams and you need identical replacement beams for some of them Woodland beams can handle that to. Their master craftsmen can match any beam with an identical mate. Your new beams will look just like your old ones but they will carry all the benefits of a Woodland beam.
4107 E. Ashler Hills Drive
Cave Creek, Arizona 85331
Office: 480-575-6758
Fax: 480-575-2716
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