How to Prepare Your Box Beams for the Arizona Heat
Arizona box beams by Woodland Custom Beam Company are an ideal solution for adding character to your home from the top to bottom. Unlike traditional ceiling beams, they are hollow on the inside, which makes them both easier to install and easier to maintain. They can be added to any ceiling, adding visual interest and charm to any room. They are also more affordable, making them an option for almost any budget.
Here are a few things you can do to prepare your box beams for the Arizona heat to keep them in their best condition:
Treat and Seal Them
Just like most wood products in your home, box beams are stained and treated with a protective sealer. Over time, this protective barrier can break down and leave the wood vulnerable to moisture damage and to extremes in temperature. In order to keep your wood in top shape, you have to regularly reapply the stain and the sealer (or sometimes just the sealer).
Before the summer starts heating up in Arizona, take the time to apply a new coat of sealer to your decorative ceiling beams in AZ. If needed, give them a light sanding and reapply the stain, helping to refresh the color. If you want a new look, now is a good time to put on a new stain and change the finish.
Inspect the Roof
The most common source of water damage for your AZ box beams is through a leak in the roof. The best way to prevent this is to check the roof regularly for signs of damage or leaks. It is especially important to do this before the summer since rainstorms are more common. You don’t want to wait until a huge storm rolls in to discover you have a leak because water is pouring through your ceiling, ruining your beams.
Perform an Energy Audit
Controlling the temperature inside your home can help you to control the humidity, as well, which can contribute to moisture damage and warping of your ceiling beams. If you need help repairing your ceiling visit and have them come out. Perform an energy audit of your home to find out where you might be leaking energy. Common sources include drafty windows and doors. If you aren’t sure where to start, try installing home replacement windows with recommendations from your energy company. They can usually conduct one for you or provide information about who to call.
Box beams are a superior alternative to solid-wood ceiling beams. If you are interested in these beautiful accents for your ceiling, Woodland Custom Beam Company provides an array of options for customers throughout Arizona. Look through our online catalog of beams to find the beautiful beams to create a whole new look for your ceiling and your home.
4107 E. Ashler Hills Drive
Cave Creek, Arizona 85331
Office: 480-575-6758
Fax: 480-575-2716